Free Excel Template to Manage Workwear in your Company

    💡 Everything in an Excel list

    Manage your company's workwear digitally in an Excel file from now on.

    💶 Always keep an eye on costs

    With this template, you always know which departments or which employees incur how much workwear costs

    👷Manage your inventory

    With this Excel list, you can easily maintain the inventory of each of your employees without losing the overview

    Still don't have a comprehensive overview of your company's workwear expenses? We have the solution for you - our free Excel template for workwear management!

    Download now and gain a clear overview in just a few steps:

    Easy work wear management

    Our free Excel template allows you to create a clear inventory list of your employees. You can also define variable cost factors to optimize your company expenses.

    Step-by-step instructions for using our Excel template

    This is how our EasyWear Excel template works:
    1. Download: Download the free Excel template for workwear management. It has been sent to you by e-mail.
    2. Data cleansing: Delete all sample data from the tables.
    3. Define your workwear: Enter your company's existing work clothing.
    4. Assign prices: Assign the appropriate prices to the workwear items.
    5. Choose colors: Define which colors the workwear should have.
    6. Add employees: Fill in your employees in the various departments.
    7. Calculate costs: Make use of the automatic calculation function to determine the total costs.

    Advantages of our free Excel template

    Our Excel template provides a quick start to manage the costs of your workwear. By regularly keeping the data up to date, you can seamlessly record your employees' inventory. The Excel spreadsheet is extremely user-friendly and can be used again and again. No more missing important information thanks to the automatic calculation function and save valuable time in workwear management.

    The limits of our free Excel template

    Intensive use may push you to the limits of the free template. The entered costs represent only average values that are multiplied by the number of workwear items. Our software therefore features an advanced booking system allowing you to allocate costs individually, especially for larger order quantities with different prices. The free Excel spreadsheet requires manual data entry without the option of communicating directly with your employees. In contrast, our software allows individual user profiles creation and direct contact with your employees via a smart app solution directly on their smartphones. While the Excel template calculates the costs per employee, it lacks a limiting function. Our software offers an integrated store system to limit and manage expenses. Our software is the most efficient solution to take your inventory management to the next level.
    Try EasyWear now for free.